The science of Ayurveda is as old as the human civilization itself. The rich heritage of Ayurveda has stood the test of time to stay as one of the most utilized systems of medicine in India. According to a survey, almost 75% of the country’s population depends on Ayurveda/herbal medicine for treatment. But, in today’s world, evidence-based medicine is the need of the hour. To provide a scientific base on the lines of research for the actions of herbs, a methodical research becomes a necessity.
The Herbs are classically prepared into five fundamental dosage forms called the Swarasa (expressed juice), Kalka (paste), Kashaya (decoction), Hima (cold extract), and Phanta (infusion). Various other forms of dosage evolved on the basis of need for making the medicines palatable, as well as extending their shelf life. Some examples of such secondary dosage forms are Avalehya, Aasava and Arishtha, Ghrita, Taila, etc.
In most of these preparations the ingredients are added such that they themselves act as preservatives, for example the self-generated alcohol in Aasavas and Arishthas, jaggery/sugar in avalehya, oil media in taila and ghritas. Just like every other science, growth is inevitable. Achieving growth in Ayurveda is possible by validating the Ayurveda products with adequate scientific studies, developing new drug dosage forms, and all these to be done without compromising on the core concepts of the science. This forms the primary objective for Research and development.